
Welcome to TEAM-CBT Australia – Empathic, Effective & Practical

As therapists, psychologists and counsellors it’s our job to help clients to feel better, make change and overcome their problems. After all, that’s why we enter the helping professions in the first place.  Sadly, we learn that it’s more difficult than we expected.

  • Are you feeling stuck with some clients?
  • Are you discouraged by your clients “yes-butting” your suggested interventions or homework exercises?
  • Do you want more evidence-based ways to engage with them?
  • Do you want to take your therapy skills to the next level but sometimes wonder if you have even chosen the right career path?

TEAM-CBT is an advanced form of cognitive behavioural therapy created by the renowned psychiatrist, Dr David Burns.  He describes this approach as “CBT on steroids “ and I  agree after being immersed in it for five years.  But I am not alone!  Other colleagues and trainers support my claim that it has the potential to change your practice making you much more effective with clients and, often, improving your personal life.

My career as a clinical psychologist has been a continuing search for the best, evidence-based treatment approaches which work for all clients – not just the compliant majority. My practice incorporated cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT),  clinical hypnosis, systemic family therapy, Gottman Method Couples Counselling, narrative approaches as well as expressive therapies.  The first step is always to establish rapport with the client and then I choose from an eclectic assortment of approaches.

In 2016, I found TEAM–CBT. It gives me a practical framework to organise my thinking and even more tools to help my clients.  It also feels good to stay true to the scientist/ practitioner model which I value highly.

If I can be of assistance, Let’s Talk!

TEAM CBT Emerging Butterfly

Why TEAM – CBT Australia?


    Testing involves collecting information about the client’s mood and symptoms before and after every session using the Brief Mood Survey and the Evaluation of Therapy Scale That means you measure progress over time and during the session.


    Empathy requires building a strong therapeutic relationship using micro-counselling skills known as the Five Secrets of Effective Communication.  Before you can even begin to help clients, it is important to ensure they feel truly heard, understood and accepted, so it becomes safe for them to explore difficult emotions.


    This is a collaborative effort to set goals the client wants to achieve and is willing to work on.  That includes addressing obstacles before starting the work.  This is the most important and crucial part of the TEAM model and was formerly called: Agenda Setting.  It involves exploring the client’s mixed feelings about recovery, the strength of their motivation, and whether the rewards are worth the effort required to change.


    There are many powerful cognitive, behavioural, and interpersonal interventions that TEAM offers to help with depression, anxiety, habits, addictions, and relationship issues.

(C) Team CBT Australia - Designed and built by Helen Hartley: Graphic Digital Design